Modifiers Easy Rules


§  Pre means after, and Post means before. Which pronoun’s after and before? Answer is “Noun”. After Noun gap _ there is Pre-Modifiers. Before Noun gap_ there is Post-Modifiers.


1.       Determiners as Pre-Modifiers: a, an, the, such, each, every, no, some, any, many. Example: 1. This is a girl. 2. Thegirl looks pretty.

2.       Demonstrative as Pre-Modifiers: this, that, these, those. Examples: 1. Thesemangoes are green.

3.       Quantifiers as Pre-Modifiers: 1.One, two, three…numbers.2.much, many, some, several, a lot, a little, few. Example: 1. There are a lot of enemies behind me.

4.       Possessives as Pre-Modifiers: my, our, your, his, her, their, its. Example: 1. I went to his room at night.

5.       Noun Adjective as Pre-Modifiers: Adjective+Noun+Noun. Example:1. He bought a small tea pot. 2. We took rest under a shadowy banyan tree. 3. Gabtali is a busy(Adjective) bus(Noun) station(Noun).

6.       Past Participles as Pre-Modifiers: Example: He bought a rotten fish. Explain: In this sentence Rot verb is used as its past participles form Rotten and it is also uses as an adjective.

7.       Compounds as Pre-Modifiers: Compounds  is a words of group, which behaves like a single adjective or single Noun. Example: A hard-working(compounds) student can shine in life.


8.       Infinitive Phrase as Post-Modifier: To+Verb. Example: 1. His plan to start the business ended in smoke. 2. His scheme to found a hospital did not come true. 3. I took a determination to pass the examination.

9.       Present Participle as Post-Modifier: Example: 1. The boy standing at the door is known to me. 2. I saw the porter lying on the floor. 3. They watched the train leaving the station.

10.   Past participle as Post Modifier: Example: The machines(Noun) made in a local factory(past participle) are working well.

11.   Prepositional Phrase as Post Modifier: Example: 1. The road to Khulna is spacious. 2. The boy in torn cloth is very poor. 3. The fish on the pan is very fresh.

12.   Relative Clause as Post-Modifiers: Relative Clause always modify the noun by sitting after these noun.  Relative Clause means = Relative Pronoun+Other nouns. Some Relative Pronoun: whose, whom, what, whoever, whatever, whichever, who, which, that.

13.   Adverb as Post Modifiers: Example: The questions below(adverb)are to be answered.

14.   Appositive:

1.       Nominative in Appositive: Mr. Ahmed, Principle of our college, is a good administrator.

2.       Possessive in Appositive: We invited Mr. Islam, a great physician of Bangladesh.

3.       Objective in Appositive: I have read Nazrul, the poet’s work.

4.       Frontal in Appositive: 1.A famous novelist, Humayun Ahmed, has consented to attend our function.2.The famous novel,David copperfield is a classic.
